Steering Committee Meeting, November 2017

A Steering Committee meeting took place the day after the 2017 forum. This time, after evaluating the 8 projects that commenced in 2016 and receiving progress reports from project leaders on the 5 projects that commenced in 2017, the Steering Committee discussed the management of ASEAN IVO. The primary debate was about next fiscal year’s call for new projects. In addition to the 5 projects supported by NICT, it was decided that NEC Solution Innovators, thanks to negotiations by the secretariat, would be funding 1 project, for a total of 6 projects.
Furthermore, with regards to the running of the committee, every country is supposed to have 2 representatives on the committee but Brunei has only Universiti Brunei Darussalam, so it was recommended and agreed that the host for this forum, Universiti Tecknologi Brunei, join the committee.
Lastly, the next Steering Committee meeting was to be host on March 6, 2018 in Bangkok, where they would decide on the new research projects. It was also decided that 2018’s forum would be in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Furthermore, with regards to the running of the committee, every country is supposed to have 2 representatives on the committee but Brunei has only Universiti Brunei Darussalam, so it was recommended and agreed that the host for this forum, Universiti Tecknologi Brunei, join the committee.
Lastly, the next Steering Committee meeting was to be host on March 6, 2018 in Bangkok, where they would decide on the new research projects. It was also decided that 2018’s forum would be in Jakarta, Indonesia.