Steering Committee Meeting, November 2016

The Steering Committee meeting was hosted on the day following the 2016 Forum. This was the third Steering Committee meeting.
The meeting chaired by the vice president of NICT, on this occasion Dr. Fumihiko Tomita, announced that Prof. Boualinh Soysouvanh, Engineering Department chief at the National University of Laos, would be joining the committee. With this, all 10 ASEAN region countries are now participants in ASEAN IVO. Then there were discussions about membership, conditions for the new Call for Proposals 2017 projects and the reviewing process etc.
The next Steering Committee meeting was to be in March 2017 but the location was still TBD. At the meeting, projects for the next Japanese fiscal year would be selected.
The meeting chaired by the vice president of NICT, on this occasion Dr. Fumihiko Tomita, announced that Prof. Boualinh Soysouvanh, Engineering Department chief at the National University of Laos, would be joining the committee. With this, all 10 ASEAN region countries are now participants in ASEAN IVO. Then there were discussions about membership, conditions for the new Call for Proposals 2017 projects and the reviewing process etc.
The next Steering Committee meeting was to be in March 2017 but the location was still TBD. At the meeting, projects for the next Japanese fiscal year would be selected.