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NICT North-America Center

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In order to promote the international research cooperation and the international standardization in an effective and efficient manner, as well as collecting the latest information, we build up trustful relations with government agencies, research institutes and universities in North America. In addition, we are the information center for improving the presence of NICT.


NICT is the national research insitute, funded by the Japanese government, promoting the full spectrum of research and development in ICT from basic to applied research. Here we present to you our mission and organization.

We will share the press releases from NICT headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.

We offer international collabolation opportunities through invitation programs, exchange programs and more.

Don't miss our monthly magazine "NICT News". The english version is published a few months after the original Japanese version.

We issue the Journal quarterly. You can find our achievement on our online disclosure system.


Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need further information.

NICT North-America Center
Office:1020 19th Street NW Suite 880, Washington DC 20036


 SASAKI, Akihiko, Director
 TANIGUCHI, Hiroki, Deputy Director