The following projects are funded under the Joint Japan-US Networking Opportunity (JUNO) Program in the area of networking technology and systems for future Internet/new-generation networks. This program is run by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and NICT in collaboration.
1. ACTION: Applications Coordinating with Transport, IP, and Optical Networks
2. Cognitive Security: A New Approach to Securing Future Large Scale and Distributed Mobile Applications
3. Towards Energy-Efficient Hyper-Dense Wireless Networks with Trillions of Devices
4. Cost-Effective and Scalable Architecture for Multi-Granular Optical Networks
5. Location-based Forwarding and ID-based Routing (LORIF) for the Future Internet
6. Virtual Mobile Cloud Network for Realizing Scalable, Real-Time Cyber Physical Systems
7. Service Offering Model and Versatile Network Resource Grooming for Optical Packet and Circuit Integrated Networks