JUNO3 first Pl meeting
The first PI meeting of JUNO3 was held in April 3 (Washington) April 4 (Tokyo), 2023 online.
- Leveraging Heterogeneous Programmable Data Planes for Security and Privacy of Cellular Networks, 5G & Beyond [PDF 3.27MB]
- End-to-end network slicing and orchestration in future programmable converged wireless-optical networks [PDF 3.27MB]
- SWIFT: Softwarization of Intelligence for Efficient 6G Mobile Networks[PDF 4.90MB]
- Towards an Internet of Federated Digital Twins (IoFDT) for Society 5.0: Fundamentals and Experimentation[PDF 44.6MB]
- Cloud-Carrier Cooperation for Efficient and Ultra-Reliable Programmable Backbone Networks[PDF 2.13MB]
* Agenda