By replacing an atom with a superconducting artificial atom, and replacing a microwave cavity with an electronic resonator circuit, we are doing the research to understand interaction between light and matter at a single photon level.
Home > Organization > Advanced ICT Research Institute > Frontier Research Laboratory > Macroscopic Quantum Physics Research Project > Outline
Circuit QED

Hybrid Quautum System
We are trying to create unique functions at a quantum level by making coherent coupling of different quantum systems.

Time domain manipulation and measurement system of circuit QED and hybrid quantum system.
The externally funded projects
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for scientific research S(KAKENHI)
Title of Prject: “Quantum Physics with Macroscopic Quantum Systems” 2013-Now
Principal Investigator: Dr. Kouichi Semba - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for scientific research A(KAKENHI)
Title of Project: “Research on Quantum Memory using Superconducting Artificial Atoms” 2010-2012
Principal Investigator: Dr. Kouichi Semba - Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Grants-in-Aid for scientific research A(KAKENHI)
Title of Project: “Quantum Physics using Superconducting Artificial Atoms” 2006-2009
Principal Investigator: Dr. Kouichi Semba