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How to become a member of ASEAN IVO?

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ICT Virtual Organization of ASEAN Institutes and NICT


How to become a member of ASEAN IVO?



1.   Procedure


1)   Official application

The following is the procedure to apply for membership in ASEAN IVO. Please discuss within your organization* and follow the steps below.


Step 1: Please download the application form from the ASEAN IVO homepage and fill it in.

Step 2: The application should be signed by the head of your organization.

Step 3: The application should be sent to the chair of the ASEAN IVO Steering Committee through the secretariat (


2)   Membership approval

The membership application will be examined and discussed by the ASEAN IVO Steering Committee, who will then decide whether or not to approve membership. The notification of the decision will be sent by the secretariat to the organization.



2.   Notices


1)   Membership of organizations from non-ICT sectors

If their membership purpose is ICT applications for their field, organizations from non-ICT sectors can be accepted as member of ASEAN IVO.



2)   Membership of private companies

(1)   A private company is welcome to apply for membership if the company provides matching funds for ASEAN IVO joint projects.

(2)   No funding will be provided from NICT to the company.



3)   Non-members’ attendance at ASEAN IVO Forum

ASEAN IVO Forum takes place in the ASEAN region for all members of ASEAN IVO for R&D information exchange. Non-members will be allowed trial attendance at the Forum, but NICT would not provide the same support as with IVO members.



* “Organization” includes any university, college, institute, private company or other such entity, that is engaging in research and development in the ICT field.