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Oral Session

Forum 2023 Group Photo



Wednesday, November 6

Cosmos Hall, Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology, Cambodia

You can view all the presentation files for presentations given at the ASEAN IVO Forum 2024 on the dedicated website: https://naivo.org/index.php/2024forum/presentations/all

You can rewatch the whole forum on YouTube:
ASEAN IVO Forum 2024 playlist on YouTube

Opening Session




Opening Address

MC: Ms. VAN Khemry, Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology, Cambodia

Dr. SENG Sopheap
President, Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT), Cambodia

Dr. TOKUDA Hideyuki
President National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Japan



Welcoming Remarks

Dr. KHOV Makara
Secretary of State, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPTC), Cambodia


Mr. NAGASE Kensuke
Chargés d'Affaires ad interim of the Embassy of Japan in the Kingdom of Cambodia



Invited Talk 1

Ms. TAN Sodany
Director of ICT Policy Department General Department of ICT, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, Cambodia



Invited Talk 2

Dr. SENG Sopheap
President, CADT, Cambodia

Watch the invited speakers on YouTube



MOU Signing between CADT and NICT

Group Photo

Session 1: ICT for Food


Chair: Dr. Ashwin Sasongko Sastrosubroto, Tel-U, Indonesia

Innovative Approaches to Urban Food Security: Leveraging Nanobubble Technology, IoT, and Water-Efficient Aerobic Rice Cultivation in Climate-Smart Rice-Fish Systems

Hanif Fakhrurroja1 , Tualar Simarmata2 , Betty Natalie Fitriatin2 , Arjon Turnip2 , Hil youman Syaeful Alam1 , Iskandar Iskandar2 , Diyan Herdiyantoro2 , Tien Turmuktini3 , Harry Bangkit1 , Tiong Hoo Lim4 , Suriayati Chuprat5

1. National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia, 2. Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia, 3. Winaya Mukti University, Indonesia, 4. Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei, 5. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia
Presentation File (PDF)

AI-Driven Mobile App for Real-Time Disease and Insect Detection in Rice Plants

Hongly Va
Institute of Digital Research and Innovation, Cambodia
Presentation File (PDF)

Advanced Sensor Technology for Enhanced Environmental and Health Monitoring in Tropical Dairy Farms

Chaidate Inchaisri1 , Nagul Cooharojananone1 , Dittaya Wanvarie1 , Siriwat Suadsong1 , Davids Makararpong2

1. Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, 2. Senovate AI LTD, Thailand
Speaker: Davids Makararpong
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch this session on YouTube

Session 2: ICT for Environment Protection and Disaster Prevention 1


Chair: Dr. Vimontha Khieovongphachanh, NUOL, Laos

Recent NICT's activities for space weather research and operation

Takuya Tsugawa, Perwitasari Septi, Michi Nishioka
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan
Presentation File (PDF)

Real-Time Tackling of Flash Flood Forecasts Using Artificial Neural Networks

Chea Socheat
Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology, Cambodia
Presentation File (PDF)

Flood Detection and Alert System for Proneness Flooding Regions in Myanmar

Thin Lai Lai Thein
University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch this session on YouTube




Explanation for Next Call for Proposals

Session 3: ICT for Environment Protection and Disaster Prevention 2


Chair: Dr. Choong Khong Neng, MIMOS, Malaysia

ICT-Driven Water Quality Monitoring Systems: Enhancing precision and connectivity in environmental assessment

Kok Hwa Yu
Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malyaisia
Presentation File (PDF)

Wastewater management and monitoring system in special economic zone using Internet of Things and Smart System Approaches

Khamla NonAlinsavath, Sanouphab Phomkeona, Vimontha Khieovongphachanh
National University of Laos, Laos
Presentation File (PDF)

Leveraging AI-integrated IoT Solutions for Real-Time Solid Waste Monitoring and Classification

Lihour Nov, Honly Va, Vannkinh Nom
Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology, Cambodia
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch this session on YouTube

Session 4: ICT for Secure and Smart Community


Chair: Dr. Supavadee Aramvith, CU, Thailand

Smart Energy-Sharing and Management Devices for a Low Carbon Society

Filip Biljecki
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Presentation File (PDF)

IoT Road Health Monitoring Platform for Secure Urban Mobility in Smart Communities

Hadyan Hafizh1 , Febri Zukhruf2 , Lenni Yulianti2 , Rosdiadee Nordin1
1. Sunway University, Malyasia, 2. Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia
Presentation File (PDF)

Digital twins, wearables and urban analytics for enhancing walkability and comfort in Southeast Asia

Wuttipong Kumwilaisak, Hein Thura Aung, Krishadawut Monnikhof
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand, Thailand
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch the session on YouTube



Session 5: ICT for Health and Welfare 1


Chair: Dr. Biplab Sikdar, NUS, Singapore

Enhancing Emergency Response and Road Safety using Advanced V2X and AI Technologies for the Preservation of Life, Health, and Welfare

Ramon Vann Cleff Bornales Raro, Philip Abela Martinez, Miguel Asido, Ruel Mark Cadubla
Department of Science and Technology - Advanced Science and Technology Institute, Philippines
Presentation File (PDF)

Enhancing Elderly Healthcare: A Higher Education Initiative for Community-Driven ICT Solutions in Physical Monitoring and Emotional Well-being

Peter ChunYu Yau1 , Sye Loong Keoh1 , Ejoe Tso2
1. University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2. Medical Information System, Anchor Lab, China
Peter ChunYu Yau1, Sye Loong Keoh1, Ejoe Tso2
1. University of Glasgow, United Kingdom, 2. Medical Information System, Anchor Lab, China
Presentation File (PDF)

Transforming Cervical Cancer Diagnosis in ASEAN with AI-Powered Telecytology Screening and Training System

Khanh Van Tran, Lam Xuan Dinh, An Thi Hong Duong
Thai Nguyen University of Information and Communication Technology, Vietnam
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch the session on YouTube

Session 6: ICT for Health and Welfare 2


Chair: Dr. Hoang Dang Hai, PTIT, Vietnam

Khmer Sign Language Recognition System

Veng Ponleur, Yann Kimhuoy, Ly Rottana
Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology, Cambodia
Presentation File (PDF)

Real Time Conversion of Sign Language to Lao Text

Xaythavy Louangvilay, Vimontha Khieovongphachanh, Savath Saypadith
National University of Laos, Laos
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch this session YouTube



Session 7: ICT for Advanced Technologies and Applications 1


Chair: Dr. Mohamad Saiful bin Haji Omar, UTB, Brunei

Multilingual Speech Synthesis and Cross-lingual Voice Cloning for Personalized Applications

Aye Mya Hlaing, Win Pa Pa
University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar
Presentation File (PDF)

From Tools to Teachers - Enhancing Writing Skills Through Homophone Correction in ASEAN and Beyond

Seanghort Born
Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology, Cambodia
Presentation File (PDF)

Acceptance and use of artificial intelligence among higher education students in Brunei Darussalam

Lim Suzylily
Politeknik Brunei, Brunei
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch this session on YouTube

Session 8: ICT for Advanced Technologies and Applications 2


Chair: Dr. Franz A. de Leon, DOST-ASTI, Philippines

LokalFi: Empowering Communities in the Philippines with Wi-Fi to Close the Digital Gap in the Age of Industry 4.0

Riza Carmela Marron Pineda, Philip A. Martinez, Kenneth Rey L. Sumalinog, Ramon Vann Cleff B. Raro
Department of Science and Technology-Advanced Science and Technology Institute, Philippines
Presentation File (PDF)

Enhancing Aquaponic Sustainability through IoT and Predictive AI Technology and Analytics

Dk Nurun Najeebah Az-Zahra Pg Md Tashim, Muhammad Wafiq Haji Abdul Zariful, Tiong Hoo Lim
Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei
Presentation File (PDF)

Development of Security and Resilience for 6G Potential Cryptography Based on Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) and Quantum Error Correction (QECC)

Khoirul Anwar
Telkom University, Indonesia
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch the session on YouTube

Closing Session


Closing Address

Dr. YANO Hiroyuki
Vice President, NICT, Japan

Poster Session



8:45 – 19:15

Jupiter Room, Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology

You can view all the poster files for posters on display at the ASEAN IVO Forum 2024 on the dedicated website: https://naivo.org/index.php/2024forum/presentations/all#poster

  1. An Onshore Plastic Waste Detection Framework Using Near-Infrared Images And Yolov5m
    Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim
    Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
  2. Service Provision of Smart Education Environment using Fog based Data Streaming
    Myat Pwint Phyu, Aye Myat Myat Paing
    University of Information Technology, Yangon, Myanmar
  3. Supporting Blue Carbon and Circular Economies through AI-Driven Biodiversity Preservation and Risk Mitigation in Southeast Asian Ecosystems
    Daphne T C Lai, Owais A Malik
    Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Brunei
  4. Lao Space Weather Learning Center (LSWLC) at National University of Laos
    PhimmasoneThammavongsy, PhosyPanthongsy, DonekeoLakanchanh, PhouthongSouthisombath
    National University of Laos, Laos
  5. TingALi Elder Care: The Integrated AI-Video to the Living Elder Care Technology
    The National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia