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Oral Session

Forum 2023 Group Photo



Wednesday, November 15

Vientiane Grand Ballroom, Lao Plaza Hotel, Vientiane, Lao PDR

You can view all the presentation files for presentations given at the ASEAN IVO Forum 2023 on the dedicated website: https://naivo.org/index.php/2023forum/presentations/all

You can rewatch the whole forum on our YouTube account:
ASEAN IVO on YouTube

Opening Session




Opening Address

MC: Mr. Bounpaseuth Oupathana, National University of Laos (NUOL)

Assoc. Prof Dr. Dexanoulath SEANDOUANGDETH
Vice President of NUOL, Lao PDR

Dr. YANO Hiroyuki
Vice President, NICT, Japan  



Welcoming Remarks

H.E. Mr. KOBAYASHI Kenichi
Ambassador of Japan to the Lao PDR, Embassy of Japan in the Lao PDR


Assoc.Prof. Dr. Lavanh Vongkhamsane
Act. Director General Higher Education Department, Ministry of Education and Sports, Lao PDR



Invited Talk 1

Dr. Thavisak Manodham
Director General Digital Government Center, Ministry of Technology and Communications, Lao PDR



Invited Talk 2

Mr. Maaly Vorlabouth
Deputy Director General of Department of Planning, Director of Education and Sports Statistics Center, Ministry of Education and Sports, Lao PDR

Watch the invited speakers on YouTube



Group Photo


Session 1: ICT for Food 1


Chair: Dr. Francois Chin Po Shin, I²R, Singapore

Exploring Edible Insects: A Nutritional and Technological Frontier for Sustainable Food Solutions

Eng-Tong Phuah
Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei
Presentation File (PDF)

HAB-ASEAN: Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Remote-Monitoring and Detection over Wireless Networks for Food Security in ASEAN

Aduwati Sali, Nadiah Zainol Abidin, Syamsiah Mashohor, Alyani Ismail, Natrah Mohd Ikhsan, Ahmad Fikri Abdullah
Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch this session on YouTube

Session 2: ICT for Food 2


Chair: Chair: Dr. Cheab Sovuthy, CADT, Cambodia

An AI-based Crop Recommendation System through Disease Detection

Rottana Ly
Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology, Cambodia
Presentation File (PDF)

Forward sale using product traceability software and digital marketing – A case study of mango in Dong Thap Province, Vietnam

My-Phuong Nguyen-Hoang
Dong Thap Library, Vietnam
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch this session on YouTube



Session 3: ICT for Food 3


Chair: Dr. Dk Hayati PHM Yassin, UBD, Brunei

Intelligent-Control System for Agricultural Production under a Greenhouse (I-CAP)

Phon Sovatna
Institute of Agriculture (NIA), Cambodia
Presentation File (PDF)

Hybrid Machine Learning and Statistical Modeling: an alternative and cost-effective approach for food product formulations to combat malnutrition

Syazana Abdullah Lim
Universiti Teknologi Brunei, Brunei
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch this session on YouTube

Session 4: ICT for Environment Protection and Disaster Prevention


Chair: Mrs. Woroindah Widiastuti, MCIT, Indonesia

Fast and Smart Disaster Recovery Networks Using 5G-Advanced and 6G Mobile Base Stations with Physical Layer Artificial Intelligence and Quantum Machine Learning

Khoirul Anwar, Gelar Budiman, Dick Maryopi
Telkom University, Indonesia
Presentation File (PDF)

Unsupervised crack segmentation and detection using graph neural network clustering for disaster level evaluation

Wuttipong Kumwilaisak, Hein Thura Aung, Krishadawut Monnikhof
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand, Thailand
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch the session on YouTube

Session 5: ICT for Health and Welfare


Chair: Dr. Kanokvate Tungpimolrut, NECTEC, Thailand

Mortality Rate and Length of Stay Prediction with Machine Learning for Resource Management in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Kritsaporn Sujjavorakul¹ , Wuttipong Kumwilaisak² , Namtip Buranaburustam² , Sahawat Tanutsiriteeradet² , Sirorat Kaewwongdee¹ , Thanaporn Pancharoen¹
¹King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital, Thailand
²King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi, Thailand
Presentation File (PDF)

Towards a timely and accurate AI-based Computer-Aided Diagnosis approach in healthcare

Quang-Vu Nguyen, Vu-Thu-Nguyet Pham
Vietnam-Korea University of Information and Communication Technology, Vietnam
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch the session on YouTube



Session 6: ICT for Secure and Smart Community 1


Chair: Dr. Khin Mar Soe, UCSY, Myanmar

Smart, Secured, Survivable and Sustainable Agriculture Platform Project Using Solar Energy, IoT, AI and Blockchain Technology

Tin Thein Thwel, Win Lelt Lelt Phyu, Ahnge Htwe, Myat Min Khant, May Theingi Kyaw, May Thu Kyaw
University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar
Presentation File (PDF)

ECD-DSA: Estimating Crowd Density to Detect Sparse Areas to Aid in Crowd Management Using YOLOv8

Rhodessa Cascaro, Janelle Cassandra Uy, John Francis Puebla, Ian Miguel Lancian Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao, The Philippines
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch this session YouTube

Session 7: ICT for Secure and Smart Community 2


Chair: Prof. Dr. Shamsul Bin Sahibuddin, UTM, Malaysia

MUST-CARE: Smart Waste Sorting Machine based on IOT and Machine Learning Approaches

Sari Dewi Budiwati, Suryatiningsih, Rio Korio Utoro, Yahdi Siradj, Bethani Suryawardani, Amalia Audah, Khoirul Anwar
Telkom University, Indonesia
Presentation File (PDF)

A Robust Cloud-based Machine Learning and AI Platform for Low-cost and Intelligent Decentralised Wastewater Monitoring System for Remote Communities in Low Income Countries

Lillian Yee Kiaw Wang, Phaik Eong Poh
Monash University Malaysia, Malaysia
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch this session on YouTube

Session 8: ICT for Advanced Technologies and Applications


Chair: Dr. Franz A. de Leon, DOST-ASTI, The Philippines

LokaLTE: A Case Study of Using LTE Community Cellular Network to Enhance Digital Learning in The Philippines

Riza Carmela Marron Pineda, Philip Martinez, Jerome Dylan Villamater, Kenneth Rey Sumalinog, Jethro Betsayda, Ramon Vann Cleff Raro
Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI), The Philippines
Presentation File (PDF)

Multilingual Speech Dataset for ASEAN Languages

Hay Mar Soe Naing, Win Pa Pa
University of Computer Studies, Yangon, Myanmar
Presentation File (PDF)

Watch the session on YouTube

Closing Session


Closing Address

Mr. YAMAGUCHI Norifumi
Executive Director, Global Alliance Department, NICT, Japan

Prof. Dr. Houngphet Chanthavong
Vice President of NUOL, Lao PDR

Poster Session



08:30 – 17:30

Vientiane Grand Ballroom, Lao Plaza Hotel, Vientiane, Lao PDR

You can view all the poster files for posters on display at the ASEAN IVO Forum 2023 on the dedicated website: https://naivo.org/index.php/2023forum/presentations/all#poster

  1. A Point to Point Microwave Link with Its Solar Power System
    Wai Phyo Aung
    Technological University (Hmawbi), Yangon, Myanmar
  2. Scattered Data Interpolation Using Rational Spline to Visualize Energy Computing (tentative)
    Samsul Ariffin Abdul Karim
    Universiti Malaysia Sabah, Malaysia
  3. DurTect: An Image-Based Detection using Roboflow Framework and YOLOv5 Model for Disease Identification in Patch Canker on Durian(tentative)
    Martzel Pelicano Baste
    Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao, The Philippines
  4. Salu-Salo: A VR Cooking Game Simulating the Making of Filipino Cuisines
    Cherry B. Lisondra
    Mapua Malayan Colleges Mindanao, The Philippines