ASEAN IVO Projects 2022
Progress Reports, Project Reviews
and Final Reports
- Program -

Wednesday, November 30
209 Room, 2nd Floor, Building 3, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
Dr. EMOTO Hiroshi, NICT
Opening Address
Dr. YANO Hiroyuki, Vice-President, NICT, Japan
Progress Reports
2022-01 - Visual IoT Network for Environment Protection and Disaster Prevention
Project Leader: Dr. Kanokvate Tungpimolrut, NECTEC, Thailand
Speaker: Dr. Jessada Karnjana, NECTEC, Thailand
Presentation File (PDF)
2022-02 - Agricultural IoT based on Edge computing
Project Leader: Dr. Hoang Trong Minh, PTIT, Vietnam
Presentation File (PDF)
2022-03 - P2EI-WEALTH (Physiological and Psychological Edge Intelligence WEArable LoRa HealTH) System for Remote Indigenous Community and Disaster Recovery Operations
Project Leader: Dr. Asma Abu-Samah, UKM, Malaysia
Presentation File (PDF)
2022-04 - AI-Based Real time analysis and control of the monitoring on the growth of Freshwater prawn using video image processing from underwater drone
Project Leader: Dr. Tiong Hoo Lim, UTB, Brunei
Presentation File (PDF)
2022-05 - An IoT-based Public Transport Data Collection and Analytics Framework using Bluetooth Proximity Beacons
Project Leader: Prof. Sharul Kamal Abdul Rahim, UTM, Malaysia
Presentation File (PDF)
Project Reviews 1
2021-01 - 2.5D Technology-based Integrated Antenna Array mm-Wave System For Non-Invasive Food Safety Scanner (TIAS)
Project Leader: Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Mai-Khanh, U-Tokyo, Japan
Presentation File (PDF)
2021-02 - Resilient Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) Green Energy System with Real-time Solution for Effective Aquaculture (REAS-SEA)
Project Leader: Dr. Bao Vo Nguyen Quoc, PTIT, Vietnam
Speaker: Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Mai-Khanh, U-Tokyo, Japan
Presentation File (PDF)
2022-03 - IoT System for Water Reuse in Developing Cities
Project Leader: Dr. Choe Peng Leo, USM, Malaysia
Presentation File (PDF)
Project Reviews 2
2021-04 - GNSS and Ionospheric Data Products for Disaster Prevention and Aviation in Magnetic Low- Latitude Regions (Phase II)
Project Leader: Dr. Lin Min Min Myint, KMITL, Thailand
Presentation File (PDF)
2020-01 - Context-Aware Disaster Mitigation using Mobile Edge Computing and Wireless Mesh Network
Project Leader: Dr. Tham Mau Luen, UTAR, Malaysia
Presentation File (PDF)
2020-03 - ASEAN-Wide Cyber-Security Research Testbed
Project Leader: Dr. Sinchai Kamolphiwong, PSU, Thailand
Second Speaker: Dr. OCHIAI Hideya, U-Tokyo
Presentation File (PDF)
Final Reports 1
2020-02 - Reusable, Sharable, and Transferable Smart Data Platform for Collaborative Development of Data-driven Smart Cities
Project Leader: Dr. Minh-Son Dao, NICT, Japan
Presentation File (PDF)
2020-04 - An Energy Efficient, Self-Sustainable, and Long Range IoT System for Drought Monitoring and Early Warning
Project Leader: Dr. Xuan Nam Tran, LQDTU, Vietnam
Speaker: Dr. Nguyen Van Trung, LQDTU, Vietnam
Presentation File (PDF)
2019-01 - Relay Station Network Based on Low-power Wide-area Network (LPWAN) Technologies for Disaster Management
Project Leader: Dr. Kanokvate Tungpimolrut, NECTEC, Thailand
Speaker: Dr. Jessada Karnjana, NECTEC, Thailand
Presentation File (PDF)
Final Reports 2
2019-03 - Prevention of 4 Disasters and Their Single Recovery Networks based on Internet-of-Things with Airborne Capability (PATRIOT-41R-Net)
Project Leader: Dr. Khoirul Anwar, Telkom U, Indonesia
Presentation File (PDF)
2018-02 - Cyber-Attack Detection and Information Security for Industry 4.0
Project Leader: Dr. Nguyen Linh Trung, VNU-UET, Vietnam
Presentation File (PDF)
2018-06 - A mesh-topological, low-power wireless network platform for a smart watering system
Project Leader: Mr. Udom Lewlompaisarl, NECTEC, Thailand
Speaker: Dr. Jessada Karnjana, NECTEC, Thailand
Presentation File (PDF)
Certificates for the finished projects
* While 6 projects received certificates, one recipient received 2 (1 on behalf of someone else).

Closing Address
Dr. YANO Hiroyuki, Chair, ASEAN IVO Steering Committee