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Date: November 18, 2021
Venue: Online via Webex
Meeting URL*: Webex conference URL (link becomes active on the day from the start of the registration period)
*In case of technical difficulties using WebEx, the meeting will be held on zoom. Please access the following address ONLY IF you are told to do so by the secretariat. Backup meeting URL: Zoom conference URL
If you are not told to, please do not use this link.

Forum presentations files are available on the Forum website: https://naivo.org/

You may participate freely. Please register in advance at the Naivo website: https://naivo.org/

The forum is now available to view online on ASEAN IVO’s YouTube channel: All sessions on YouTube
Videos for each individual session are also available. Links are included in appropriate places on the program.

The forum will be taking place across 4 different time zones. Times zones will be written in UTC and the following countries are in the following time zones:
UTC+6:30: Myanmar
UTC+7: Cambodia, Laos, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam
UTC+8: Brunei, Malaysia, Philipines, Singapore
UTC+9: Japan

MC: Dr. EMOTO Hiroshi, Director of International Research Development Office, Global Alliance Department, NICT

Registration: 08:00 (UTC+6:30), 08:30 (UTC+7), 09:30 (UTC+8), 10:30 (UTC+9)

Opening Address
Dr. TOKUDA Hideyuki, President, NICT
08:30 (UTC+6:30), 09:00 (UTC+7), 10:00 (UTC+8), 11:00 (UTC+9)

Group Photo

Session 1: ICT for food
(4 presentations)

Chair: Dr. Haji Abdul Ghani bin Haji Naim, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD)

  1. Agricultural IoT based on Edge computing (08:35 UTC+6:30, 09:05 UTC+7, 10:05 UTC+8, 11:05 UTC+9)
    Dr. Trong-Minh Hoang, Posts and Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT), Vietnam
    Presentation File (PDF)

  2. Agribusiness Supply Chain Management System (08:50 UTC+6:30, 09:20 UTC+7, 10:20 UTC+8, 11:20 UTC+9)
    Dr. Chai Lee Goi, Curtin University, Malaysia
    Presentation File (PDF)

  3. Crop disease prediction using metagenomics and computational modelling (09:05 UTC+6:30, 09:35 UTC+7, 10:35 UTC+8, 11:35 UTC+9)
    Asst.Prof.Dr. Pooja Shivanand, Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Brunei
    Presentation File (PDF)

  4. Remote Monitoring of Harmful Algal Bloom via Marine Toxin Biosensor Integrated LoRa for Food Security (09:20 UTC+6:30, 09:50 UTC+7, 10:50 UTC+8, 11:50 UTC+9)
    Dr. Nadiah Husseini Zainol Abidin, Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Malaysia
    Presentation File (PDF)
Watch session one on YouTube

Break (09:35 UTC+6:30, 10:05 UTC+7, 11:05 UTC+8, 12:05 UTC+9)

Session 2: ICT for Environment Protection and Disaster Prevention
(3 presentations)

Chair: Mrs. Woroindah Widiastuti, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT)

  1. Realizing Mobile Air Quality Monitoring System:Architectural Concept and Device Prototype (09:40 UTC+6:30, 10:10 UTC+7, 11:10 UTC+8, 12:10 UTC+9)
    Dr. Phi Le Nguyen, School of Information and Communication Technology (HUST), Vietnam
    Presentation File (PDF)

  2. Artificial Intelligent (AI)-Driven Disaster Mitigation Solution (09:55 UTC+6:30, 10:25 UTC+7, 11:25 UTC+8, 12:25 UTC+9)
    Dr. Hammam Riza, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) - The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
    Presentation File (PDF)

  3. ML-PEAT: Machine Learning for Data Analysis of Peat Swamp Forest Monitoring System (10:10 UTC+6:30, 10:40 UTC+7, 11:40 UTC+8, 12:40 UTC+9)
    Prof.Dr. Imas Sukaesih Sitanggang, IPB University, Indonesia
    Presentation File (PDF)
Watch session two on YouTube

Break (10:25 UTC+6:30, 10:55 UTC+7, 11:55 UTC+8, 12:55 UTC+9)

Session 3: ICT for a Secure and Smart Community
(4 presentations)

Chair: Dr. Nguyễn Thành Thuy, Vietnam National University (VNU)

  1. RuralSync: Providing Digital Content in Remote Communities through Opportunistic Spectrum Access (10:30 UTC+6:30, 11:00 UTC+7, 12:00 UTC+8, 13:00 UTC+9)
    Mr. Philip Abela Martinez, Department of Science and Technology - Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI), The Philippines
    Presentation File (PDF)

  2. An IoT-based Public Transport Data Collection Framework using Bluetooth Proximity Beacons (10:45 UTC+6:30, 11:15 UTC+7, 12:15 UTC+8, 13:15 UTC+9)
    Dr. Sye Loong Keoh, University of Glagsow Singapore (UGS), Singapore
    Presentation File (PDF)

  3. Artificial Intelligence Powered Comprehensive Cyber-Physical Security for Smart Cities (AIPOSC) (11:00 UTC+6:30, 11:30 UTC+7, 12:30 UTC+8, 13:30 UTC+9)
    Mr. Van-Phuc Hoang, Le Quy Don Technical University (LQDTU), Vietnam
    Presentation File (PDF)

  4. A Trusted Multimedia Content Protection Scheme Based on Hybrid Watermarking and Blockchain Model (11:15 UTC+6:30, 11:45 UTC+7, 12:45 UTC+8, 13:45 UTC+9)
    Dr. Didi Rosiyadi, Research Center for Informatics, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Indonesia
    Presentation File (PDF)
Watch session three on YouTube

Lunch (11:30 UTC+6:30, 12:00 UTC+7, 13:00 UTC+8, 14:00 UTC+9)

Session 4: ICT for Health and Welfare
(3 presentations)

Chair: Dr. Alisa Kongthon, National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC)

  1. Machine Learning and Compressive Sensing for Intensive Care Unit Biomedical Recording Activities (12:30 UTC+6:30, 13:00 UTC+7, 14:00 UTC+8, 15:00 UTC+9)
    Dr. Gelar Budiman, AICOMS Telkom University (Telkom U), Indonesia
    Presentation File (PDF)

  2. No one left behind: Automatic Screening of Rare and Neglected Cancer by Medical Image Analysis (12:45 UTC+6:30, 13:15 UTC+7, 14:15 UTC+8, 15:15 UTC+9)
    Dr. Pikul Vejjanugraha, Thai-nichi Institute of Technology (TNI), Thailand
    Presentation File (PDF)

  3. Alpha prototype face mask with HEPA filter and oxygen sensor (13:00 UTC+6:30, 13:30 UTC+7, 14:30 UTC+8, 15:30 UTC+9)
    Assoc.Prof.Dr. Norhana Arsad, The National University of Malaysia (UKM), Malaysia
    Presentation File (PDF)
Break (13:15 UTC+6:30, 13:45 UTC+7, 14:45 UTC+8, 15:45 UTC+9)

Watch session four on YouTube

Session 5: ICT related Technologies and Applications (1)
(4 presentations)

Chair: Dr. Francois Chin Po Shin, Institute for Infocomm Research (I²R)

  1. Optical Segmentation on E. coli colonies formed on E. coli test piece (Petrifilm) - for the development of IoT devices for water quality monitoring  (13:20 UTC+6:30, 13:50 UTC+7, 14:50 UTC+8, 15:50 UTC+9)
    Mr. Mynn Wei Teoh, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia
    Presentation File (PDF)

  2. Development of IoT Water Quality Monitoring System (13:35 UTC+6:30, 14:05 UTC+7, 15:05 UTC+8, 16:05 UTC+9)
    Mr. Ying Keat Tay, Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Malaysia
    Presentation File (PDF)

  3. Development of IoT Reverse Vending Machine and its Feasibility Study to Improve Recycling (13:50 UTC+6:30, 14:20 UTC+7, 15:20 UTC+8, 16:20 UTC+9)
    Dr. Mohd Razali Bin Md Tomari, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
    Presentation File (PDF)

  4. Autonomous Drone Swarm for Drug Delivery in Covid-19 Pandemic (14:05 UTC+6:30, 14:35 UTC+7, 15:35 UTC+8, 16:35 UTC+9)
    Mr. Nguyen Huu Hung, Le Quy Don Technical University (LQDTU), Vietnam
    Presentation File (PDF)
Break (14:20 UTC+6:30, 14:50 UTC+7, 15:50 UTC+8, 16:50 UTC+9)

Watch session five on YouTube

Session 6: ICT related Technologies and Applications (2)
(4 presentations)

Chair: Dr. Sam Sethserey, National Institute of Posts, Telecommunications and Information and Communications Technology (NIPTICT)

  1. Automation-Sim  (14:25 UTC+6:30, 14:55 UTC+7, 15:55 UTC+8, 16:55 UTC+9)
    Mr. Somnuk Phon-Amnuaisuk, Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB), Brunei
    Presentation File (PDF)

  2. The Seamless Localization System Based on Indoor-Outdoor Environments Using Received Signal Strength for Android Platform System (14:40 UTC+6:30, 15:10 UTC+7, 16:10 UTC+8, 17:10 UTC+9)
    Dr. Somphone Kanthavong, National University of Laos (NUOL), Laos
    Presentation File (PDF)

  3. Teaching the Arabic Language to Children using a Phonics Education Digital/Mobile App (14:55 UTC+6:30, 15:25 UTC+7, 16:25 UTC+8, 17:25 UTC+9)
    Dr. Malai Zeiti Sheikh Abdul Hamid, Universiti Teknologi Brunei (UTB), Brunei
    Presentation File (PDF)

  4. Multi-task Sequence Prediction for Natural Language Processing (15:10 UTC+6:30, 15:40 UTC+7, 16:40 UTC+8, 17:40 UTC+9)
    Mr. Lyheang Ung, Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT), Cambodia
    Presentation File (PDF)
Break (15:25 UTC+6:30, 15:55 UTC+7, 16:55 UTC+8, 17:55 UTC+9)

Watch session six on YouTube

Session 7: ICT related Technologies and Applications (3)
(4 presentations)

Chair: Prof. Alejandro Ballado, Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT)

  1. A Study on Applicable an Improved k-Cliques Method to the Recommendation System (15:30 UTC+6:30, 16:00 UTC+7, 17:00 UTC+8, 18:00 UTC+9)
    Dr. Phonexay Vilakone, National University of Laos (NUOL), Laos
    Presentation File (PDF)

  2. Transfer Learning Based Object Detection and Classification (15:45 UTC+6:30, 16:15 UTC+7, 17:15 UTC+8, 18:15 UTC+9)
    Ms. Ei Phyu Myint, University of Computer Studies, Yangon (UCSY), Myanmar
    Presentation File (PDF)

  3. LoRa-Based Mesh Network for Off-Grid SMS-Style Communication in Emergency Situations (16:00 UTC+6:30, 16:30 UTC+7, 17:30 UTC+8, 18:30 UTC+9)
    Mr. Ramon Vann Cleff Bornales Raro, Department of Science and Technology - Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI), The Philippines
    Presentation File (PDF)

  4. Design and Development of a Certifiable Real-Time IoT Solution (16:15 UTC+6:30, 16:45 UTC+7, 17:45 UTC+8, 18:45 UTC+9)
    Mr. Thayheng  Nhem, Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT) Cambodia
    Presentation File (PDF)
Closing Address (16:30 UTC+6:30, 17:00 UTC+7, 18:00 UTC+8, 19:00 UTC+9)
Dr. YANO Hiroyuki, Chair, ASEAN IVO Steering Committee

Watch session seven on YouTube