ASEAN IVO Forum 2019
- Program -
Venue: Monet Room, Crimson Hotel, Manila, the Philippines
Moderator: Dr. Hiroshi EMOTO, the Secretary of ASEAN IVO, NICT, Japan
08:00 Opening Remarks
Dr. Mizuhiko Hosokawa
The chair of the ASEAN IVO Steering Committee
ASEAN IVO Project Reports
08:05 Session 1: Final Reports
Project report: 18 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions)
Open Collaboration for Developing and Using Asian Language Treebank[PDF 959KB]
ASEAN Language Speech Translation thru’ U-STAR[PDF 520KB]
ASEAN forum for Software Defined System on Disaster Mitigation and Smart Cities[PDF 887KB]
IoT Open Innovation Platform[PDF 1.76MB]
Project review: 18 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions)
A Hybrid Security Framework for IoT Networks[PDF 1.20MB]
Smart Lighting for Internet of Things and Smart Homes[PDF 2.09MB]
IoT System for Public Health and Safety Monitoring with Ubiquitous Location Tracking[PDF 2.70MB]
12:30 Session 3
Project review: 18 minutes (15 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions)
Event Analysis: Applications of computer vision and AI in smart tourism industry[PDF 1.83MB]
Cyber-Attack Detection and Information Security for Industry 4.0[PDF 1.56MB]
Smart Aquaculture Quality Monitoring (AQM) System with Internet of Things (IoT)[PDF 1.47MB]
NAPC: Networked ASEAN Peat Swamp Forest Communities[PDF 5.41MB]
A mesh-topological, low-power wireless network platform for a smart watering system[PDF 2.85MB]
ASEAN IVO Project Progress Repot
14:40 Administrative talk
How to manage and promote your project?
ASEAN IVO Secretariat
Progress report: 13 minutes (10 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for questions)
2. ASEAN Language Speech Translation thru’ U-STAR
4. IoT Open Innovation Platform
5. Research and development on short distance communication and imaging for applications in ASEAN region
6. Study and evaluation of heterogeneous network for smart community and smart city applications
The chair of the ASEAN IVO Steering Committee
16:20 Closing
Prof. Alejandro H. Ballado, Jr.
The co-chair of the ASEAN IVO Steering Committee