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Cognitive Wireless Router with Mesh Networking Capability for Wireless Network Infrastructure

- Applicable to Speedy Deployment of Voice Communications in Disasters -

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June 5, 2013

The National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT, President: Dr. Masao Sakauchi) has newly developed a cognitive wireless router that is capable of wireless mesh networking. The routers can automatically connect with each other and configure routing to the Internet, therefore the wireless network is extended to areas where commercial wireless network services are not available. The connection and configuration are automatically conducted and the only action required for starting operation of the routers is to turn on the power. Also, NICT has demonstrated a deployment of wireless network infrastructure capable of voice communications over the Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN) and IP phone in the disaster area. In the initial stage after disasters as well as recovery stage, the router is expected to support the lives of disaster victims and recovery staff who would like to talk with families and friends, confirm their safety, and inform injury and damage situations.

Cognitive wireless router capable of wireless mesh networking
Cognitive wireless router capable of wireless mesh networking

NICT has newly developed a cognitive wireless router that is capable of connecting with other cognitive wireless routers using the mesh network technology to extend service areas of wireless LAN on top of existing functions of the cognitive wireless router that is to select appropriate Internet connection according to wireless network quality such as throughput, radio strength and latency.

Key features of the router are as follows:

(i) to extend wireless LAN services even to areas where commercial wireless network services are not available for deployment of wide area wireless LAN infrastructure
(ii) to deploy wireless network infrastructure quickly and easily by only turning on the power switch without configuration or tuning by engineers on site

Also, voice communications was demonstrated between wireless LAN devices and home/office/mobile phones in the Public Switched Telephone Networks (PSTN) using the IP-PBX gateway which interconnect the PSTN and IP network. The network is managed by control platform in the cloud network on the Internet which not only displays status of routers and their connections, but also simulates radio propagation based on locations and measurements of the routers and decides locations to put further routers without radio interferences.

Wide area wireless LAN infrastructure using the cognitive wireless routers

Technical Contact

Hiroshi Harada, Homare Murakami,
Kentaro Ishizu
Smart Wireless Laboratory
Wireless Network Research Institute
Tel: +81-46-847-5076

Media Contact

Sachiko Hirota
Public Relations Department
Tel: +81-42-327-6923